Не убий персонажа. Пригодится.
В честь печали, положу сюда большой *** в виде моего самого унылого стиха:

Blade Runner Loses Momentum, A Rhapsody

with a
mechanical smile

Old stranger face sewn fast from air
Tar smoke and lampposts in infinite rows of rust
The sky strains between penthouses sagging
pregnant with autistic rain
Tug one of its edges it will flood the street

At the reception desks skinny covered with spotted leather
HQ 3D LED eyes and glossy lips
ready to open for their dying ads
Men and women
Plastic raincoats with umbrellas, all same
no one speaks

The stench of burning, ozone, mould, urine
A pale boy in a dirty turtleneck
coughs up razors
He kneels, jittering fingers grappling at asphalt

Passers-by watch unflinching barcode faces
Not a single dyed eyebrow elevates itself
skin sucked inside the cheek
Hands slyly put against flies; monsters, monsters, monsters

A scornful wail of footsteps of a thousand howlers
Slides down the greasy glass of yellow plants
producing human feeling
They weep for every world. Their voices pound
Ruthlessly into your head:

Who wouldn’t go to Mars
Where clearer rivers flow
With rainbow cocktail bars
We’ll visit after show

that’s 9.99, pal

@темы: почеркушки

23.11.2013 в 18:20

I lost my sombrero;__;
начал читать, сломал мозг..
24.11.2013 в 02:22

Не убий персонажа. Пригодится.
капитанский блог, excellent! значит оно работает XDDDDD но этот стих мне самой не очень нравится уже, он монстрозный слишком, и кончается фигней

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