And I have every right to say this, because of REASONS. Here are some of them:
1. Golden nail polish looks v.v.g. on David's hands. God save the prettiest King, bitches.
2. The magnificent locks are mostly David's own with extensions applied after he grew his own hair. Medieval royalty, duh. Who the fuck even needs a Queen?
3. The was a lot (as in, a lot a lot) chemistry in that kiss with that boy. Much more than in that kiss the Queen forced out of pauvre petit. See above.
4. Okay, there were Doctor Who moments. Like, when he says, 'Say it again? The shadow of my sorrow! ha! let's see…', no way in Hell was that not his Doctor Who tone. But altogether he was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
5. Acting, costumes, sets, music - perfect. Because... Shakespeare Royal Company?
1. Golden nail polish looks v.v.g. on David's hands. God save the prettiest King, bitches.
2. The magnificent locks are mostly David's own with extensions applied after he grew his own hair. Medieval royalty, duh. Who the fuck even needs a Queen?
3. The was a lot (as in, a lot a lot) chemistry in that kiss with that boy. Much more than in that kiss the Queen forced out of pauvre petit. See above.
4. Okay, there were Doctor Who moments. Like, when he says, 'Say it again? The shadow of my sorrow! ha! let's see…', no way in Hell was that not his Doctor Who tone. But altogether he was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
5. Acting, costumes, sets, music - perfect. Because... Shakespeare Royal Company?
I believe it to be a wonderful, glorious production. True, I haven't read the play, but what I just saw corresponded to what we know about XIVth century English history. They say, Richard could have a multiple personality disorder. In any event, there was something and that something made him one of the least successful English monarchs. On the other hand (thank you RSC for tiny interviews in between the acts), he was crowned at the age of 10 and must have indeed believed that he was special, the anointed deputy of God on Earth, that explains his whimsical and immature character pretty well. I should really read about the guy, now that I'm interested. I probably will. Beware, library. For now, I surrender my non-existent crown. Here.