It's actually a blog post for all the injustice in the world.
We're team No. 4, not even No. 3 as usual - because we've lost in semi-finals to another team. And the reason for their winning in semi-finals? We got that pretty clear from a commentary from one of the judges while watching the quite boring final round. This reason being: well, you're going to Washington anyway; besides, a team like yours will have plenty of chances to play in Russian final round anyway, while it's a very rare chance for the other team, so we decided to give them this chance. Plenty of chances? Seriously? Our team hasn't played in the Russian finals for seven years, all according to this logics. Dear judges, that doesn't work. People can't possibly be okay with a loss today only because they know they'll do brilliant in two months. People just aren't okay with losses. Fullstop. No comment. No, actually, comments! Crappy logic! Fuck such logic!
What I did: wear the sexiest dress and femme fatale black tights and walk proudly to the scene to get my 8th best oralist prize. Regret, dear judges, especially Mr. I'm-wearing-a-Paul-Smith-suit.
Anyway, I'm in pretty much a killer mode now. A read it all mode. A winner takes it all mode. I'm so going to prepare to do my best I'm scared of myself.