Господи, это опять вы... — Thank you very much for your email.

Нам эта ваша сделка сто лет не нужна, но ресторанчик вы выбрали неплохой... — This meeting could be an opportunity for our two institutions to investigate if there is some interest on this business activity.

Если до завтра не представите документы, пеняйте на себя. Тут вам не детский сад. — We will do our best to proceed with your request however, for the best result the documents should reach us not later than tomorrow.

Вы читать умеете? — You can find this information in our Terms and Conditions.

Сколько можно напоминать! — This is our kind reminder.

Неужели так сложно подписать документ там, где нужно?! — Please sign in the place marked with yellow sticker.

Что у тебя в школе было по математике? — Let's reconfirm the figures.

Мы лучше сделаем это сами. — Thank you for your kind assistance.

Я уже сто раз вам это присылал. — Kindly find attached.

Ага, сейчас все брошу и побегу разбираться. — I'll look into it and revert soonest.

Да поймите же вы, наконец ... — Please kindly review the matter again.

Надеюсь, что теперь вы перестанете надоедать своими вопросами. — I hope this helps, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact us.

Какой же вы зануда... — Thank you for your patience.

Даже и не надейтесь, что мы откроем вам счет. — We will let you know in due course.

У нас не те масштабы, чтобы возиться с вашей мелочью. — We would be happy to offer you the most favourable conditions on the case-to-case basis.

Вот когда подрастете, тогда и приходите. — So if you have eventually some needs from your clientele, it can have a real added value.

Ой-ой, напугал! — We regret to know that you are not satisfied with our services.

Ну и пожалуйста. Не очень-то и хотелось. — We look forward to hearing from you.

Хотя бы в пятницу отстаньте уже. — Good to hear from you and have a nice weekend.

Услуги будут оплачены. Может быть. — Thanks a lot in advance.

Да идите вы знаете куда... — We consider the matter settled and close our files.

Ха-ха (три раза) — Very best regards! (с)

These special phrases are applicable to anyone working on a PhD dissertation or academic paper anywhere.

It has long been known... − I didn't look up the original reference

A definite trend is evident... − The data is practically meaningless.

While it has not been possible to provide definite answers to the questions... − An unsuccessful experiment but I still hope to get it published.

Three of the samples were chosen for detailed study... − The other results didn't make any sense.

Typical results are shown... − This is the prettiest graph.

These results will be in a subsequent report... − I might get around to this sometime, if pushed/funded.

In my experience... − Once

In case after case... − Twice

In a series of cases... − Three times

It is believed that... − I think.

It is generally believed that... − A couple of others think so too.

Correct within an order of magnitude... − Wrong

According to statistical analysis... − Rumor has it.

A statistically-oriented projection of the significance of these findings... − A wild guess.

A careful analysis of obtainable data... − Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer.

It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of this phenomenon occurs... − I don't understand it.

After additional study by my colleagues... − They don't understand it either.

Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to Cindy Adams for valuable discussions... − Mr. Blotz did the work and Ms. Adams explained to me what it meant.

A highly significant area for exploratory study... − A totally useless topic selected by my committee.

It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field... − I quit.