(перепост с жж,который мне лень было сделать вчера))

The first day on the first job is over. I feel happy, not because I didn't like it, but on the contrary.
The day started with studying and sighning the company policy statements: as to confidential information, prohibition of purchasing, selling or otherwise dealing with the clients' secutiries and the non-discrimination stuff. The latter was somewhat of fiction. The definition of 'sexual harrassment', comprising two full paragrapghs, included all imaginable kinds of sexually suspicious treatment. The company's American, and you can't stop remembering Americans in movies and cartoons promising to sue everyone every three minutes.
Then I got a workplace, spacious with a big window, but without a computer. The IT team is worth mentioning. It consists of two guys who promised to install a PC on my table by dinner... and never did that. When I met them in the kitchen they said, 'Jus relax today. If we did what we're supposed to, you'd have had to work on your first day..'. Other paralegals turned out to be quite nice. I did some paperwork and read a couple of huge prospects, well, at least browsed through those. The dinner was fantastic... out of the kitchen you can walk on a terrace with a beautiful view over the square... All in all I'm looking forward to working there. Especially because it gives me a creative impetutus to do something else:to write when I have time, for example..